Friday, February 15, 2008

Feeling pretty good!

The exercise did not start today until after 8pm! But it had to happen!

I remember around 5pm that I decided I would not exercise today. But about 6pm I was thinking that the day was wasting away and I started to get to 'jonesing' for that workout. That is great news and usually only happens to people after about 30 days of repetitive things... habits.

So I got dressed for the deed and went downstairs. Did upper-body the same as usual; dumbells of 20lbs. 12+12 reps on one arm kneeling over and pulling straight up. Then, 12 on each, repeating that twice.

Then 35 minutes on the eliptical including a 3 minute cool-down.

I then hit the whirlpool for about 15minutes. Enjoyed some discussions abotu cell phones with a few people from Canada, here to watch a family member play a hockey game... he lost.

I had a good time.... but more importantly, I exercised and synced the effort with good feelings!

It is now abotu midnight and I am in ndanger of staying up too late.
(But I had to write this before I could write my next post!)

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